For a half-century, the following people and organizations have freely given their time and materials to this project. There is no way to thank them adequately but to deliver a website that does justice to the memory and artistry of Joe Venuti, Eddie Lang, and their world.


Howard Alden-Paul Anastasio-The Atlantic City Free Public Library-Anthony Barnett-David Boeddinghaus-Eric Bogart-Enrico Borsetti-Perry Botkin Jr.-Stacey Boyle-Lawrence Brown-Tom Bumbera-Campbell Burnap-Rich Conaty-Anthony DiFlorio III-Sherwin Dunner-Free Library of Philadelphia-Tony Evangelisto-Phil Evans-Michael Feinstein-Joe Giordano-Tad Hershorn-Ron Hutchinson-Michael Kieffer-Arthur “Nat” Kinnear-Robb Lawrence-Dr. David Mandell-Bill Marx-Adriano Mazzoletti-Ray Mitchell-Bob Mohr-Celeste Morello-Tony Mottola Jr.-Matt Munisteri-David Mylne-New York Public Library-John Newton-David Palmquist-John Pizzarelli-Doug Pomeroy-Randy Sandke-Phil Schaap-Loren Schoenberg-The Settlement Music School-Malcolm Shaw-Fred Smith-Dr. S. Frederick Starr-Richard Sudhalter-Joe Tarto-Time-Life Records-The Vitaphone Project-Tony Wellman-Ray Wile-Scott Yanow

Mark Cantor-Mosaic Records-Michael Cuscuna-Charlie Lourie-Fred Pustay-Scott Wenzel-Michael Brooks-Pat DeFrancesco-Nick Dellow-Michael Feinstein-Will Friedwald-Vince Giordano-Albert Haim-Steven Lasker-John Leifert-Dan Levinson-Ron Loscalzo-The Library of Congress-David Sager-St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi-David McCain-The National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia-Chiaroscuro Records-Hank O-Neal-St. Paul Parish-Matthew George Peters-Lloyd Rauch-The Institute of Jazz Studies @ Rutgers-Dan Morgenstern-Vincent Pelote-Billy Neil

Bill Challis-Norman Gentieu-Kitty Lang-Tim Good-Lew Green Sr.-Lew Green Jr.-Marty Grosz-Kathy Hansell-Jeff Healey-Helen Carroll Kress-Rick Kress-Carmen Mastren-Tony Mottola-The Estate of Tony Mottola-Les Paul-Tony Romano-Joe Sinacore-Angie Scioli Sproul-Denise Venuti-Bob Venuti


Ed Massaro, Tom Massaro & Joe Venuti

If you’ve contributed to this project, we want to recognize you.

We apologize for not including your name or organization.
